Ulysses’ Molly Bloom to be brought to life in video at Derry festival
Fiona Shaw, Cush Jumbo, Imelda Staunton and Miriam Margolyes to enact parts of novel’s concluding monologue in The Molly FilmsIt is arguably the most staggering piece of writing in James Joyce’s masterpiece Ulysses, stretching over 60 pages and containing only two full stops.This year, Molly Bloom and her monologue will take centre stage at a celebration of Bloomsday on 16 June – the day Joyce’s novel takes place in Dublin – at an event that is placing the “female gaze” on Joyce’s novel. Continue reading...

Fiona Shaw, Cush Jumbo, Imelda Staunton and Miriam Margolyes to enact parts of novel’s concluding monologue in The Molly Films
It is arguably the most staggering piece of writing in James Joyce’s masterpiece Ulysses, stretching over 60 pages and containing only two full stops.
This year, Molly Bloom and her monologue will take centre stage at a celebration of Bloomsday on 16 June – the day Joyce’s novel takes place in Dublin – at an event that is placing the “female gaze” on Joyce’s novel. Continue reading...