Research reveals toxic PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ accumulate in testes
Study suggests exposure to chemicals manufactured to resist water and heat likely to affect health of offspringNew research has found for the first time that PFAS “forever chemicals” accumulate in the testes, and the exposure probably affects children’s health.The toxic chemicals can damage sperm during a sensitive developmental period, potentially leading to liver disease and higher cholesterol, especially in male offspring, the paper, which looked at the chemicals in mice, noted. Continue reading...

Study suggests exposure to chemicals manufactured to resist water and heat likely to affect health of offspring
New research has found for the first time that PFAS “forever chemicals” accumulate in the testes, and the exposure probably affects children’s health.
The toxic chemicals can damage sperm during a sensitive developmental period, potentially leading to liver disease and higher cholesterol, especially in male offspring, the paper, which looked at the chemicals in mice, noted. Continue reading...