Lost laws: which legislation will slip through the net before the UK election?
While some bills will be dealt with swiftly in the ‘wash-up’ period in parliament, others could fall by the waysideRishi Sunak’s promise to deliver a secure and stable future for the country has been left hanging in the balance as a number of laws that would have kept people physically safe from terror attacks, dangerous cycling incidents or even from no-fault evictions will probably not be introduced to parliament before the election. The legislation for his much-vaunted smoking ban is also in peril.Sunak’s government had 16 bills subject to the “wash-up” on Thursday, a period in the parliamentary process when legislation is swiftly pushed through before an election. The laws not likely to be passed are: Continue reading...

While some bills will be dealt with swiftly in the ‘wash-up’ period in parliament, others could fall by the wayside
Rishi Sunak’s promise to deliver a secure and stable future for the country has been left hanging in the balance as a number of laws that would have kept people physically safe from terror attacks, dangerous cycling incidents or even from no-fault evictions will probably not be introduced to parliament before the election. The legislation for his much-vaunted smoking ban is also in peril.
Sunak’s government had 16 bills subject to the “wash-up” on Thursday, a period in the parliamentary process when legislation is swiftly pushed through before an election. The laws not likely to be passed are: Continue reading...