Iran presidential election: up to 20 possible contenders gear up for battle
As official mourning for Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi ends, here are some of the names proposed as successorsThe end of official mourning for Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi has unleashed a battle for succession, with as many as 20 credible names being proposed.All candidates have to be cleared by the 12-strong elite body known as the Guardian Council, and the regime is torn between ensuring continuity on the one hand and allowing an open competition that stimulates turnout and gives the victor legitimacy. Continue reading...

As official mourning for Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi ends, here are some of the names proposed as successors
The end of official mourning for Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi has unleashed a battle for succession, with as many as 20 credible names being proposed.
All candidates have to be cleared by the 12-strong elite body known as the Guardian Council, and the regime is torn between ensuring continuity on the one hand and allowing an open competition that stimulates turnout and gives the victor legitimacy. Continue reading...