An t-Eilean: £1m-an-episode drama to bring Outer Hebrides to global audience
Filming begins on the most expensive Scots Gaelic series ever made but there is wider crisis in Gaelic broadcastingThe tranquility of a remote castle in the Outer Hebrides, with its views of long golden beaches, rocky coasts and glowering skies, is about to be shattered by the staging of a woman’s murder.Detectives will fly in from Inverness. The drama will catapult the castle and this secluded Gaelic-speaking corner of Harris to a global audience, as a dysfunctional family’s long-buried secrets emerge. Continue reading...

Filming begins on the most expensive Scots Gaelic series ever made but there is wider crisis in Gaelic broadcasting
The tranquility of a remote castle in the Outer Hebrides, with its views of long golden beaches, rocky coasts and glowering skies, is about to be shattered by the staging of a woman’s murder.
Detectives will fly in from Inverness. The drama will catapult the castle and this secluded Gaelic-speaking corner of Harris to a global audience, as a dysfunctional family’s long-buried secrets emerge. Continue reading...